Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Ondar to Perform January 5 in Santa Ana

Ondar will perform at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California, on Saturday, January 6, 2013: 
From the Bowers web site:
Zhena Folk Chorus presents a concert of  haunting and stirring a cappella songs from the villages of  Bosnia-Hercegovinia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Croatia, Russia and Turkey. Led  by director Eve Pericich, the singers are adorned in authentic,  beautifully ornamented costumes and provide a lively narrative that will transport you to long-ago places and times. Special vocal performance  by Ondar, the master throat singer from Tuva, in southern Siberia, and a joint finale! 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Richard Feynman - Ode To A Flower - new animated video!

Fraser Davidson has created this wonderful new animated video to accompany Feynman's musings on the nature of beauty. Of course, the audio portion was first seen and heard as part of "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out".